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Maternity Continuity Of Carer (MCoC)

Home / iPiP Health / Maternity Continuity Of Carer (MCoC)

The NHS Long term Plan reiterated the need for maternity services to implement an enhanced and targeted continuity of carer model to help improve outcomes for the most vulnerable mothers and babies.

To help facilitate the change, Health Education England commissioned education providers, including iPiP Health, to deliver training across the country. The aim of this commission was to develop and deliver evidence-based training to support maternity systems to implement continuity of carer models.

The approach focuses on the evidence, utilised existing resources and draws on the collective wisdom of those with extensive knowledge and experience of implementing MCoC.

The training developed includes a pre-learning module hosted by e-LfH, skills assessments, workshops for maternity teams and masterclasses for senior managers.

All elements of the programme continue to be available to maternity services.

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