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Story Telling

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Strategic Narrative (Storytelling)

iPiP work together with their partner organisations to use storytelling to help create a connected organisation, helping engage people with their organisation’s strategy and supporting leaders to communicate effectively with their teams , improving the experience for staff and service users.

The approach supports organisations to unite behind a common purpose, where stakeholders understand and believe in the journey of the organisation and the personal role they can each play in its success. Through managed conversations, we can help people connect the organisation’s story to their own personal story. This aligns people to the journey and creates excitement for the role they will need to play in its success.

The team co-create the strategy, objectives and characteristics of an organisation as a simple short story. They use this to promote alignment behind these concepts and a high level of understanding and engagement throughout the organisation, in a way that facilitates cultural and behavioural change.

We can combine this approach with Denison diagnostics, to provide an understanding of people’s deeply held beliefs and assumptions for what it means to work in your organisation. The Denison culture diagnostic can help define the synergies and discrepancies of the current state. It can enable your strategy to be implemented by managing your culture. We offer you an approach that will facilitate engagement and understanding, and a method of monitoring progress and identifying the next steps. Our approach is an inclusive one which enables ‘top down’ to meet ‘bottom up’.

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