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Adrian Hutt, FRS Lead iPiP

Adrian Hutt

Before joining the team at iPiP, Adrian was a watch commander at West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service (FRS).

He has a particular interest in fire safety and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Adrian has achieved recognition at both a local and national levels for his work in supporting interagency collaborations to improve home safety. Working alongside the local authority health teams, he was the “Achieving Marmot” project lead for West Midlands FRS and has been involved in several studies looking at the impact and prevalence of CO in some of the most vulnerable communities.

Currently, Adrian is the FRS lead for the IPPCO study which is looking at identifying and protecting pregnant women from Environmental CO poisoning.

He was presented with a Good Citizen Award by the Mayor of Coventry, his honor states “the actions he has taken have been instrumental in making our communities a safer place to live and work and he is therefore truly deserving of this Good Citizen Award.”

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