Jennifer Percival is a qualified Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor, Counsellor and Public Health lecturer. In her role as an independent training consultant, she has worked for many organisations, including WHO Tobacco Free Initiative, International Council of Nurses, Solutions4Health, NCSCT and PHE. She is the author of over 65 published articles and peer reviewed papers and her book ‘You Can Stop Smoking’ published by Virgin, has been translated into many languages.
Specialising in teaching communication and motivational interviewing skills to healthcare professionals Jennifer has delivered workshops in over 30 countries including New Zealand, USA, Iceland, Moldovia, Romania, Hungary, Sweden, Taiwan, Kuwait, India and Hong Kong.
Jennifer was the Tobacco Policy Advisor for the Royal College of Nursing for 12 years and developed the first smoking cessation training programmes for nurses. In addition, she worked with the Department of Health on their mass media, anti-smoking campaign and sourced the participants for the hard-hitting TV Testimonial stories.
She now runs classes for a wide range of staff on ways to help people change their behaviour and how to engage those, unwilling, unconfident, or resistant to change.